(Reverse) Documentation of Sequence Chains
PLSDOC® SFC - Reverse Documentation of Sequence Controls
Documentation of Sequence Chains / Reverse Documentation - Siemens WinCC / SIMATIC PCS 7 Add-On
PLSDOC® SFC provides the reverse documentation of step chains or sequence controls. The SFC-D module has been generated for the comparison of the version statuses of sequence chains (SFC - Sequential Function Chart). With an increasing complexity and number of sequence chains, the automated sequence documentation is highly beneficial. Error-sources are prevented in life cycle documentation and costs are saved.
- Automated reverse documentation of sequence controls or sequence chains (SFC)
- Actual version status of the SFC documentation
- Direct link from the SFCs to the measuring point sheets
- SFC references in the measuring point sheets
- Increased plant security due to decreased error sources
- Prevention of multiple processing
- Paperless working and fast finding of information
- Reverse documentation of sequence chains with graphical edit mask and HTML output
- HTML presentation with sequence chain structure, actions and transitions
- Display of sequence controls of any complexity
- References to EMR circles with hyperlinks
- Availability of the plant documentation in th eIT world and in SCADA systems
(direct integration into the operating and monitoring stations possible)
- Central databased plant documentation
- Generating of HTML documents for each SFC (sequence chain)
- Referencing to other sequence controls with hyperlinks
- SFC reverse documentation of Freelance 2000, PCS 7 or Emerson Delta V
- Company-wide solution